PP bodies

Lindsay 🌺

I've seen posts where people are a few weeks pp and showing pics of how quickly they've bounced back.

I've also seen posts where people are ranting because it's been five weeks and they still have their belly pooch and are upset because they've seen so many posts (on this app and others) like I've described in the first paragraph.

What's the best way to comment so that I can say congrats to the people who bounced back quickly but also let every other pp person who reads those comments know that they're normal, and those that bounced back quickly are likely are smaller percentage than one would think?

And the controversial part:

Do you think that those pics of people who bounce back quickly make it harder for other people to love their pp body?

Honestly I feel like those who had a hard time snapping back need the most encouragement of all because most people fall into this category, and this category often has lower self esteem. But does that mean that those who snapped back quickly need to hear encouragement any less? (I'm not talking about those who worked hard for it, I'm talking about those who were just blessed genetically).

Please note this is by no means meant to shame, judge, or call out anybody(!) - no matter what kind of pp body they have, and no matter what they've been posting about their pp bodies. I am just looking for the best way to encourage the masses, wether they snap back quickly or never snap back at all.