dear long lost best friend

I'm sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't better at keeping in touch with you. I'm sorry I haven't been able to find you, I've tried but not hard enough. I'm sorry I forgot how to spell your name. I'm sorry for how you grew up I know it was hard me and mother tried to help but I guess your aunt or whoever was more qualified... you could've been the sister i always wanted. I know you miss TT because you were so good with kids. around a year later I saw a girl who looked just like you in a car driving by but it was going through Milton, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. Im sorry I don't remember if your bright happy eyes were green or blue. but I miss your curly currrllyyyyy strawberry blonde hair. I'm sorry Kelly and her guy drank and fought so much but I wasn't as understanding as I should've been. I miss talking to you about everything and anything. I want to know how you have been but I can't seem to find you. do you even remember me? I remember you helped me through 5th grade and I was so upset we couldn't go to middle school together even though you lived just down the road. I'm sorry I saw someone who might've remembered something anything about you but I didn't ask just apologised for what I did back then I know he probably wouldn't but I could've tried. I'm sorry I'm a horrible friend, there's so much more I want to apologize for but I have to go for now. I will try again to try to find you Camry ... I hope you'll forgive me..