My ex wants me to leave my current bf!!!!

So I broke up with my ex 2 years ago and 1 year ago I got with my current bf. Basically my ex wants me to leave my bf for him. I thought he was over me but all this time he’s been hurting. I feel so sad and want to make him feel better but apparently the only way I can do that is if I leave my current bf for him. And I do still have feelings for my ex but I didn’t leave him cause I didn’t love him. I left him cause love wasn’t enough I needed more. But my current boyfriend , I love and there is something more. But man my ex, it’s just a rush of emotions and he cries when we speak and I just want to make him better.... he doesn’t wanna be friends or anything.... and he’s really hurting .....he just wants me he said. I do still have feelings for him but it hurts to see him hurting and my current bf is seeing that something is not right and I might be acting suspicious... I love my current bf we’ve been best friends from the beginning of university but my ex was my first love. Give me advice. Anything thing said would be helpful.

I’m not gonna leave my current bf cuz he’s my man. What I’m asking is how do I help my ex..... he keeps saying I really hurt him and thinks I left him for my current bf and how he was about to marry me when I left him. Guys I’m sad.... my ex was my high school love 😔