love and respect

so i know some of you might not agree with this that is why i am putting it on the christians group.

so as you probably guessed from my title i started reading the devotional "love and respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. i have to say that ive read a lot of devotionals but none have made things so clear as this book. My hubby and i have only been married for about 1 year and a half and things really havent been that tough but we have had our moments.

this book basically teaches married men and women that men really want and need unconditional respect from their wives just like women want and need unconditional love from their husbands. obviously women and men want love and respect as well but as a women i can say i do know my hubby respects me but sometimes i get scared he doesnt love me and my hubby has told me that he knows that i love him but he wonders if i truly do respect him. when it comes right down to the core of things love and respect go hand in hand in a marriage or even a relationship. you just cant really have one without the other. speaking from a womans point of view i know sometimes when my hubby does something that irritates me and i tend to criticize and honestly its not cause im mad i just feel like he needs to fix what he did to irritate me. but the thing is there is other ways to approach a situation like that than to just go off the handle, you can choose to approach it with respect even when you are really angry. sometimes you may feel like "i wont respect him until he deserves it" and hes probably thinking "im not going to show love until she deserves it" its literally an uncommunicated mess at that point and things go down from there. the thing is even though its hard you need to be the bigger person and give him respect and time to feel comfortable again and obviously same goes for him. i know its hard to get out of that vicious cycle but there is a way out and honestly its harder than it sounds but it makes a marriage so much more comfortable and safe. i dont know if i explained it well but um just go buy the book haha

Ephesians 5:33:

"so again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

God bless you ❤