Please I need an opinion


1st a little background about myself...I’m 46 years old. Been TTC for over a year. Had 2 miscarriages in the last year. Both pregnancies happened naturally. I don’t have any previous children. In the last 2 months, i had two failed IUIs. Which was very physically and emotionally devastating on me. The last time my RE kinda suggested we go for something more aggressive like <a href="">IVF</a>. Since <a href="">IVF</a> is more extensive treatment and requires much more medication, I want to give my body some rest and take care of myself by taking vitamins like co q 10, dhea...and just overall heal myself before starting such treatment. My husband and I also planing a trip overseas in May so I want to enjoy our trip. But here is thing..I’m diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve so I’m really worried that waiting 2-3 month will completely ruin the small chance that I do have. My instinct is telling me to take a break but I don’t know if in this situation I trust my instinct. I want to hear from everyone..what would you do if you were in my shoes? Sorry for the long post and thank you for reading it.