I think I have undiagnosed post partum anxiety

I've made several appointments to talk to a doctor about it since my daughter was born May 2017. I've been struggling with invasive thoughts like something horrible happening to her on and off. One week I'll be fine. The next I feel distant from her because when I'm close to her I get those worry full flashes again. I guess I kept cancelling cus I don't want to talk about it. It makes me feel like a bad mom. I don't have a doctor that I feel comfortable talking with, and idk how to start the conversation. I've been binge eating since she was born and I think it's a coping thing. How would you start a dialogue about this? My baby is 10 months old and I feel like I waited to long to be diagnosed or to talk about it. I thought it was the baby blues and was just a phase so I waited.