Miss Update 😷 What is wrong with my stomach!?!?


So most of you know I've been in the hospital due to preterm labor... now I have this fun new symptom where I can't even eat 3 crackers... or even chicken broth... without my upper middle back feeling like I have a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale... it's a stabbing sharp aggressive constant pain and they cant figure out what's going on. I am meeting with the GI team today to see what's going on but even after drinking plain chicken broth I had to take a gram of Tylenol and a 5mg oxycodone (doctor prescribed obviously) just to get the pain to stop. They have me on all of the acid reducers possible but those seem to do nothing. I hate the way these oxycodone make me feel. My whole body feels gross... it's obviously better than crying and screaming in pain but life still sucks... It's to the point i asked them if they could hook me to a feeding tube to bypass my stomach but they won't. So yeah... fun times...