Weaning off paci, help!

Stephanie • Mommy x3 🥰

We are on day 2 and it has been relatively easy with the exception of bed and nap time. The last two nights we gave my 10 month old his bottle which put him to sleep without needing his paci, he didn’t even wake up for it it which was surprising! Tonight however was a different story. He didn’t nap all day because he didn’t drink a bottle when it was time to nap so he legit would not nap, which is not like him, I know all he wanted was his paci but we didn’t give in. Come bed time he was EXHAUSTED. So sleepy, yet would not go to bed😯 he cried for 15 minutes until I gave in and gave him a bottle which put him to sleep right away! Is this normal to have to give him a bottle for him to sleep without his paci? I feel like doing this is only gonna make taking the bottle away even harder. Please help!