High Blood Pressure Concerns


OK. I am considered high risk due to diabetes and a few other health things....Anyway, here is my main concern at the moment, and need some advice.

My blood pressure has been high, but keeps fluctuating. Sometimes, it'll go to around 128/90 or so, but typically stays above 130/90 or higher. The PA sends me labs and checks my urine for protein, says there is a little bit, but "nothing to be concerned about." Well, I saw the specialist on Wednesday, and he said if it stays up, keeps fluctuating, he wants to induce me early. I've started checking it at home, like he suggested. Again, it doesn't get below 133/90 or so. My legs have been swelling a bit and I've had headaches off and on for the last week or so. My doctor and the PA don't seem concerned that it is preeclampsia, but I'm concerned, though my baby is growing and developing just fine.

I guess, I just want to know. should I call my doctor AGAIN tomorrow and tell her what is going on, or should I just go above her and call the specialist who comes in from 2 hours away to express my concern? Had anyone else experienced this? What did you do?