Going back to work 😭🤯😳😬 help

I’m due back at work 8 weeks today. I can’t stop thinking about it, I’m so anxious and worried. It’s occupying my mind all day.

I’m U.K. based and I have taken off the statutory 1 year maternity leave and we had a plan that I would be a SAHM but my OH work changed their shift patterns and stopped overtime so our income has been slashed by nearly in half. I know in the U.K. that we are not expected to go back to work until child is 5 and we can stay at home till school age but I kinda need to if we want to afford anything.

I have Post partum anxiety and I am seeing a health professional about this and getting help with it.

This is where I am struggling

I just can’t stand the thought of leaving my baby with anyone else. Even my OH or my Mum the 2 people I trust the most in the world. I have been gradually trying to increase my ability to let someone look after him, even if it means popping to Costco or somewhere for 30 mins and leaving him with mum or OH.

I am still breastfeeding in the daytime as well so I have been trying to slowly wean off the breast in the day and replace with more bottles/cups of milk in daytime.

It doesn’t help that I really don’t want to go back as well so I have no motivation.

I don’t know how I am going to cope being away from my baby

Any tips on how you dealt with going back to work