I need some grandparent advice


I am currently pregnant with my husband and I’s first baby. We are relatively young and inexperienced when it comes to newborn care. Due to this, I asked my mom (we have a very close relationship) if she would be willing to stay with us for a week after the baby is born to help us get used to things and adjust. Well the problem is my dad. My parents have a very.. interesting... relationship. My dad is very controlling and doesn’t like to be away from my mom... ever. Well this weekend while I was talking to my mom about where she’d stay in the house, my dad joked with my husband that his in laws were invading after the baby comes. Apparently my dad assumes because my mom is staying with us that he has free range to come and go whenever he pleases. I am completely heartbroken about this because my dad and husband don’t get along and my dad stresses me out. The last thing I want is for my dad to stay with us after the baby and make matters worst. How do I go about this situation? I could tell my Mom not to come help out but she and I would both be so sad if I had to do that.😫😫

Also, my husband and I have tickets to go see his favorite band a month or so after the baby is born. (We bought them before I was pregnant). We asked my mom to come with us to the hotel that night and babysit while we were out and then just stay over night with us when we returned. My dad apparently assumed that it meant he could come too so he’s trying to come on our concert trip as well. 😭

How do I get it across to him he’s not invited to come to our place or to the concert?