Post hymenectomy (please help)

So I’m 16 and I had an imperforate hymen.

On March 15th, I had a hymenectomy and 500ml of blood drained (😦). Everything went perfectly, I continued to bleed for only 4 days and everything was fine. But less than a week later, I noticed yellow/clear discharge on my pads.

After a while the discharge didn’t stop, so I went to my GP (specifically a walk in nurse, because I didn’t want to have to wait a month for a GP visit) she took a swab (which was the ONLY time, including the surgery, that I had pain during this whole ordeal) of the area and the results came back that there was no infection. She actually said that it seemed to be healing well.

Since then there’s still been discharge so I’ve been wearing pads the whole time (so expensive 😀) but it’s May 3rd now and I still haven’t got my period.

When I feel down there, I notice there’s a slight ridge where it feels different from before the surgery, but I definitely can’t fit a finger in there, not even my pinky.

I’m worried that the incision has healed over. I have to go see the surgeon 3 months post-op, which is in June. Should I wait until then or arrange an appointment sooner?