Miscarriage - No Heavy Bleeding/Cramps??

Is it possible to have an early miscarriage without the heavy bleeding and/or extreme cramping? I got my BFP last week but started spotting (red) and had a few clots after me & DH had sex. This lasted for about 4 days and included one large clot about the size of a quarter.

I went to my Dr. afraid i had already miscarried, my urine test came back bfn. My midwife did a pelvic exam but said nothing of a miscarriage or that anything was even wrong. She mentioned that the clot “MAY” have been my uterus lining but that was it.

But I’m confused because i just received a call from my Dr. saying my blood results came back and my hcg level was 25 which meant i was in fact pregnant, but those levels are “extremely low” and told me to come in for another blood test. Now i have to wait until Monday to get those results... Anybody else had anything similar to this happen to them and it turned out positive? This is going to stress me out the entire weekend, i need some uplifting stories. 😩😭😣