My anxiety is getting the best of me🙁

Hey guys!

I’m 17 and I suffer from anxiety and depression. Let me give you a little back story: so when I was younger I used to be bullied through all primary. Years later a very important person who meant the world to me committed suicide. And now as things started getting better I fell in love with one guy who used me like no one ever did.

Okay, now I’m turning 18 in a couple of months and I’ve been dating this guy who just turned 19 for almost 5 months now. He got out of a very long and awful relationship not so long before we met and he is the most chill guy I’ve ever met. Up to date, he is the only guy who has ever made me feel comfortable enough with myself and with what we have. He was my first time, I like him a lot and I care for him so much. We’ve spoken about our feelings and he says he feels the same way and we agreed to see where this takes us. But here’s the thing, I want him to get to understand me better; my struggles and fears. He’s been with me through a lot of shit since we met and ever since shit became caos mayhem for my family a couple of months ago my anxiety and my fears have gone out of control, he’s seen me suffer a lot and I know he gets frustrated at times because he can’t understand what’s happening within me. I’m ready to talk about it, but I’ve always been afraid to do so because I feel weird talking about my mental health. Lately I feel the need to tell him because I made a great decision for me, I finally decided I needed help to ease and to learn how to control it. I’ve been losing ridiculous amounts of weight because of my anxiety and my usual happy-self has been looking sad and sick... I’m slowly working on it and things are slowly changing for good and I want him to feel part of my hard work. He deserves to know just like my parents and best friends know and are great support for me...

I’m scared to be honest🙇🏻‍♀️