Stepmother questions


I will try to keep this short but am looking for advice - not negativity please. My mother passed from a brain aneurism when I was 7 (she was 36). She was everything you could hope for in a mother. My father, also wonderful, remarried a year and a half later. My stepmother is a good woman but very different from my mother and not nearly as maternal. We have always had a contentious relationship, to be brief. She had my half brother when I was ten and my other full brother was 8 and we all get along amazingly. However, I feel like I am missing out on so many things with her. She was not involved at all with either of my weddings (the first groom ended up being a AAA - alcoholic abusive and adulterer). Neither has she been involved in my first pregnancy, nor really my son’s life. My folks live out of state but she never calls to check in on him, or text. I talk to my dad several times a week and when he is in town, he will show up at 7 am to babysit to allow my husband to sleep ( he works late nights) when I go to work. She, meanwhile, spends all her time with her siblings and nieces and nephews and only sees my son through my father or when I reach out. I am now 7 weeks pregnant, told her right away the last time they were in town, and haven’t heard a word for three and a half weeks. No “how are you feeling” “how is my grandson” etc. I sent her a beautiful bouquet on Mother’s Day, like I always do, and I got a thirty second VM thanking me with an afterthought of “ and happy Mother’s Day to you, too.” She makes my dad really happy so I don’t want to interfere with that but I also want my son and future child to have a relationship with both grandparents as my in laws are amazing. Advice? After my son was born I did try to reach out more and had a kindly worded conversation about wanting her in his life but it has dissipated completely.