I Feel Like I’m Replacing My Dad 😔


My dad was my best friend. He was my #1 fan & my biggest support system. I could go to him any time of the day & say “I need help” & he’d agree before I could even explain why I needed help.

He passed away on January 9, 2017, the day after my (now-)fiancé & I made it official that we were dating. I never got to introduce him to my dad, my fiancé never got permission from my dad to propose or marry me. I never got to tell my dad that I was pregnant. She was born 11 days overdue on our 1 year anniversary—January 8, 2018.

Now that our daughter is here, we’ve started seriously discussing getting married. We’ve set a date & his parents are driving 1,200 miles to come. Only problem is my dad isn’t here to give me away. The rest of my family is 1,200 miles away except for my sister. So my fiancé asked if I would be willing to let his dad give me away. I thought about it for a while & finally asked him today. He said yes. As soon as I hung up the phone I got this overwhelming sense of guilt. I regret it. I should have thought more about it & if I tell him that I changed his mind he would be absolutely heartbroken. He’s a very sensitive guy & I don’t want to hurt him. I just can’t get over this guilty feeling. That tradition was one my dad held very, very close to his heart & for as long as I can remember who would always tell me “I can’t wait to dance with you at your wedding & walk you down the aisle”. I’m heartbroken... how do I get over this guilty feeling??