Just got to get it out

Today sucked donkey balls!

work was exhausting.

I found out I’m getting a new student that no one wants because they’re EXTREMELY difficult to deal with.

And My classroom helper is out for the week.

So after a 10 hour shift my husband decided we need to go grocery shopping.

My body is like child you got to go to the bathroom.

BUT I still had to put all the groceries away and cook.

So finally I’m at the point where my body is like “BITCH I said WE 👏🏼HAVE 👏🏼TO👏🏼GO!”

So I ask my husband to cook dinner. He doesn’t cook! He’s putting the food in the wrong pans. Then fussing me because I told him it wrong. I’m trying to prep the food so he can just. cook it and I cut my finger. And I’m getting sick

I going to eat, shower and if one person bothers me. I’m going to just fly to the moon. Hahahahaha I’m just joking but a quiet rest of the night would be ideal!