I just want to rant about the pain I’m in


Okay you know how when you get a tooth pulled they wiggle it around first?

Oh my god. My dentist did not wiggle around. He held my head down and ripped my tooth out. I thought he was gonna break my head.

I didn’t feel anything but pressure because of course I was numb but god damn when that numb wore off... fml

I’ve been crying and rubbing my head for an hour now and the pain meds are just now starting to take the edge off. The pain is going up my head, into my ear and temple. And it’s radiating to my bottom right jaw. oh my fucking god it hurts so bad. I just want to rant because I’m pissed. I also probably have a dry socket.

I don’t think my dentist did anything wrong, I’m not pissed at him. I think he tried to make it as quick and simple as possible because I was having anxiety and told him like, “I’m freaking out.”

I’m pissy because I’m in pain. And I want it to go away so bad.

I’m going back when I can to see if it’s a dry socket that’s making it so damn painful

I want to throw up it hurts so bad

The pain meds have kicked in and I’m a much happier person right now. It’s not so unbearable anymore