side effects of prozac?

Nessie • 💐

I'm no stranger to antidepressants. I've been seeing my therapist for about 5 years now & I've been on 3 different kinds of medications (so far). I'm currently in the process of switching from Zoloft & Visteril to Prozac & Buspar. I'm only taking Prozac (along with a lower dosage of Zoloft until it tapers off) & I'm noticing a huge change in my moods already & I've only been taking the Prozac for a few days. So I've been wanting to everything lol. I was taking a normal shower last night & got the bright idea to clean my shower. So I did.... I was on my hands & knees scrubbing that tub! 😂 I clean up our bedroom every night because my fiance leaves little things out of place & I have to clean it. If I don't it bothers me until I do..Right now it's currently midnight & I have the urge to clean my son's room....& he isn't even out of his crib yet...his crib is still in our room. 😯 (It's his room for when he's old enough for his toddler bed & own room) I'm beginning to think this is becoming an issue? I'm constantly looking for something to clean...If I can't get to it at that moment I keep it on my mind until I can. It's like a never ending list of chores lol. Has anyone else had this problem while taking prozac? Im not complaining because it has supressed my other horrible thoughts I was having that consumed my entire life....So It's not exactly a "problem" but it's definitely out of character for me. It's like I get this burst of energy especially at night when I'm alone while everyone is asleep. I just feel so productive out of nowhere lol.