My husband is not a Christian but I am.


I was raised in and around the church then when I was 8 my parents got divorced and I think my dad only took us to church on Easter until I was probably 15-16 then we never went again. Fast forward to last year, we were driving to my mo.s across town on a Sunday morning and the church was ringing their bells. My then almost 5 year old asked what they are for and I explained a little about how they are there to worship God and then she asked "who is God?"

My heart sank and I realized that I never taught her or her brother about Him at all. I would occasionally pray throughout the years but never went back to church as an adult. After that conversation in the car, I started looking for a church because I loved it as a kid and I knew they could answer her questions better than I could. Now we go every Sunday with a few exceptions. I was baptize again (my parents did when I was a baby but I've been lost for a while and I was called to give myself to Christ again)

My husband "believes in a God but not the church ". He has no problem with me anf the kids going but our oldest has started asking why daddy won't go to church with us. I don't know what to say. I also pray for my husband to give it a chance since he too has not been for years.

When the new baby is born I want to dedicate him or her and I want my husband there and in full support or I feel like it doesn't mean as much.