Did you pray about when you should TTC?


My husband and I have been married for almost a year (our anniversary is a week from today). I've known that I wanted to be a mom since I was in high school. We have dealt with a lot of changes in the past year-We moved to a new area after marriage (5 hours away from my family), a new job for each of us, and we just bought a house. We had originally decided that we would start ttc in May of this year. That got pushed back because we were buying a house. He wants kids, but not as badly as I do. I've been tracking my cycle with opks so that I will have an idea when we do start trying. I just want us to agree on when to start trying, I don't want him to feel pushed into it. I feel like we should start praying about what God wants us to do, I don't know if we should pray about it together or separately. Has anyone ever prayed about TTC?

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