What the hell is wrong with me??!

Needing some wise advice!

So i was with my boyfriend for three years, I broke up with him last year because I didn’t feel sexually attracted to him anymore (and questioned if I ever actually was) and we’ve always had next to nothing in common.

Despite this, we are still best mates. Every time I see him or he stays the night we hug and sleep together (not sexually). We’ve always had his bond. I feel safe, secure and bound to him whenever I’m with him. It’s like he is part of me, and when I’m with him I feel complete.

I’ve always felt that we would end up together in 5-10 years time (I’m 22 now) and I would love him to be the father of my kids and my husband/partner forever.

The only thing is, as of now, I am not sexually connected with him and don’t think I ever was. He was my first boyfriend, sex was a new and interesting experience at first but as time went on I never felt that I was attracted to

him like that. In fact, now that I recall whenever I did have sex with him I would close my eyes and always imagined I was doing it with someone else-(usually a random id made up in my head).

So two major problems-not sexually attracted at all/ever and virtually nothing in common. Apart from all that I feel connected to him in every other way-husband, friend, soul mate. He is the closest person in my life and I do love him 100%. Perhaps I am not in love with him...but if that was the case I don’t think I’d be imagining marrying him or having kids with him.


How is this possible? How can I be apparently in love with someone without a sexual connection.... please help. Advice/wisdom/thoughts are all welcome!!!