Grandmother rant

You don’t have to read this. You don’t have to comment on this. I just need someone to tell.


I’m 16, my sister 13

Every summer for as long as I can remember my sister and I would come to North Carolina to visit my grandparents (on my moms side) (we love in Florida so it’s a month that we come up for sense we never get to see them)

My sister and I both have a phone and we text our parents goodnight every night.

So my sister and I hate coming up here because of our grandparents but today was just terrible what they said.

So we finish dinner super late because we always make dinner really late here. (It was honestly like 9 pm when we finished dinner) so we went upstairs and got into pajamas and just watched Netflix while my grandmother cleaned up. Which she does every night. So she finishes and calls my uncle and then talks on the phone until 11:30 with. Then comes upstairs to find my sister and I texting our mom goodnight because our mom and dad had their class reunion tonight so they got back home late. So we text them goodnight and then my grandmother says “you are still awake? Get off of your stupid phones and go to sleep.”

My sister says “we were just texting our mom goodnight”

G-“she doesn’t want to talk to you. Go to sleep. There is a reason she doesn’t want you back at home. So you don’t need to text her all day. You can text her tomorrow she doesn’t want to talk to you after she just got back from her reunion. Well she doesn’t want to talk to you at all but whatever.”

(I’m on my period so I’m emotional as hell!!!)

Me-*starts crying* (don’t judge me ok! Our family is really close and to hear that from anyone is terrible even if you know it isn’t true. My mom texted me and my sister first so it wasn’t like my sister and I are just constantly texting someone who isn’t responding. No, she obviously wanted to talk otherwise she wouldn’t have texted.)

G-“you are 16 years old start acting like it and stop crying. Just learn to deal with the fact that no one wants to talk to you.”

She then proceeds to kiss me on the forehead like nothing ever happened and walk away. I was too shocked/ emotional to come up with a response so I just let her walk away.

Thanks to anyone who read this I just needed someone to tell this to. Please no hate comments or the whole “you are so lucky to be able to spend time with your grandmother because not everyone has one”. I know I am ok? I get told that a lot. I just wanted to tell you how rude she was that’s it. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m looking for a person to listen.