Is my mom toxic or is it just me?

Jade • Mother👩‍👦‍👦 student 🤓Future Mrs. 💏 superhero 💪🏽

So my mother is not the best mother/grandmother in the world but she isn’t the worse either. She lives with me after living with all four of my other siblings and basically being put out on her ass and exiled from their lives with the exception of my closest sister in age and I . Anywho, December of last year her and I got into a huge fight in which she repeatedly punched me in the face in front of my two children(my mom weighs over 200 pounds and at the time I was 120) and I felt the need to defend myself so hit her back. At no time prior to this have I ever put my hands on my mother I think it is horrible. However I ease my stress over that with it was DEFINITELY self defense. I still allowed her to stay in my home but obviously our relationship is not the same. She pays me 700 a month and watched my children while I go to work and school. She doesn’t do a good job of that either they practically watch and fend for themselves she just there to say there was an adult in the house. She always text me when I’m at school or work are you coming home to cook dinner or some stupid nonsense when she is in the house and just stays in her room all day 50ft from the kitchen. The times that I’m over it and make my way home during there small interval of time I have between work and school to cook dinner I serve them and before I can even get a plate she eats the rest of the meal that she could have easily prepared herself so I go without. Her excuse is always “I’m in pain my legs hurt.” She is 63 and acts 93. Yesterday we were at the beach and 3 ft from her my 6 year old started to drown because of a dip that happened after the depth divider. Before my son went in the water I gave him very specific instruction not to go over the rope and to wait for me to get in the water with you so that I can determine how deep it is. After several yes, mommy’s he goes in the water with his older brother and DOES NOT GO PAST THE LINE. My sister and I are applying sun block to ourselves preparing to go to the water. My mom makes her way to the water with the kids and Bc my oldest and his friend asked to go over the rope of coarse my youngest asks to and she tells him yes. A few feet to short and my kid is flapping and drowning RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY MOTHER (arms reach) . I start running towards him thankfully the lifeguard was close enough and sharp enough and saved my son. I could have killed my mother . I want to cut ties with her when my fiancé and I move she never takes any accountability for he things she does and she cause me tons of stress. But my sons love her so much and it would break their heart and hers not to see her again and I just don’t know what to do. This is just two examples of a long list of things she has done. I really don’t know what to do. I even considers “ Iyanla Fix my life” lol

My nephew two sons and I ❤️