My bf can never make me feel special

I posted something similar before but my bday is coming up and I was supposed to do 2 fun activities and go out to eat the next day which is my actual bday . The activities would include me my bf and 2 friends and the dinner is just me and him. We were splitting everything so he didn’t have to pay full price for anything but he also wanted me to pay for my own bday dinner and HIS . He said if you have ur own money to pay why should I pay? He said the restaurant I chose was too much so I told him if he had an alternative let me know cause we can do whatever works around his budget I just didn’t wanna dress up to fancy to end up going to like freaking McDonald’s or some shit. I was going to wear a dress and heels. And the dress has sequence on it, it’s pretty fancy to just go out to eat at any regular place. But whatever worked out around him is fine he been complaining non stop abt how he’ll be wasting money , he doesn’t wanna spend a lot of money money this money that. When we’re splitting EVERYTHING! All I wanted him to pay for was our dinner together which is just us so it shouldn’t even be a lot if I pay that’s me basically taking myself out. He told me my expectations are too high and he said if I say what I’m going to say it’ll just make the situation worse so he didn’t say what he was going to say which already made it worse cause it made me anxious as to what he’s holding in. If he doesn’t want to “waste” or spend money on me that’s fine we don’t need to go out. I don’t have friends here all my friends are back in the state I moved from abt 2 years ago( I know 2 yrs pretty long not to make friends lol I’m not friendly) but I missed out on the opportunity to go have an actual bday with my girlfriends & go to freaking LONDON with my family just so I can spend the day with this dude who can’t even go out his way to pay for a freaking meal. I open my legs up to this guy he took my virginity I’ve gotten into plenty of arguments over him just to be treated like nothing 🤣that’s reallyyyy sad. I always pick him I always rather be with him!! And he can’t go out of his way to make me feel a certain way. He complained for a week straight . He has a job he gets paid every week I’m not asking for him to spend a whole paycheck on me or all his money what ever he can afford I’ll accept . I buy him food all the time I never complain about no damn price. I feel so stupid on missing out on actual fun cause I put him first . Then I told him forget it I’m canceling everything I don’t wanna do anything and all he said is u sure? Ok and fell asleep . It’s so sad cause I see other relationships where guys go out of their way trying to make their girl feel special it doesn’t matter what it is. Getting them a rose , taking them out , getting them a fucking card expressing how much they love them. Little things COUNT. He never even expresses himself to me it’s just “I love you.” U love me but you’re complaining about a moment where you can finally show how you feel about me or what I’m worth to you. Cause clearly I’m not even worth a damn meal. We take turns to pay for every meal sometimes I even pay for a week straight I never complain cause money doesn’t mean anything when your spending on the right person or the person who you think is right. I even gave him my last $20 so he can eat and I was dead ass starving. He said he was so hungry and he was broke at the time so I gave him my last and just went to bed like I’ll be fine . It’s sad cus I told him I was hungry the other day and he said well idk what to tell you but when it’s him I’m so quick to feed his ass or cash app him unexpectedly. Wheneverrr he needs something yall . I feel like shit