My terror 8 year old!!! HELP ME.....


Idk where to start I need advice... no negativity please! I was in a custody battle for 3 years trying to get my sons back from their fathers horrible mother... they didn’t want to give them to me because I smoke cigarettes because I didn’t have a car. An the first court I went to judge told me to just get a job an a aparment an I could get them back no problem we’ll I did that in 6 months an still the next judge I seen went with their grandmother an it was one thing right after another my boyfriend an I had to do back round checks finger prints mugs shots dmv records the whole nine yards as if we were criminals when the only reason she had got them was because I was homeless because of her. Her husband molested me multiple times an he kicked me out an as a mother I didn’t think it was right I’m sleeping in hotels an in my car an my kids are with my I asked her to keep them temporary an it turned into 3 years I had a rude guardian atlitem that didn’t do her job properly an wanted to make sure my house was safe but wasn’t making sure the environment my kids were in were safe an I find out after getting my sons back that my son was molested he’s been in so many different. Counlcing sessions from behavior to sexual behavior he’s had family counciling an everything. I’ve done everything for him. An still he makes me to be the bad person he disrespects me he hits kicks me will spit on me he hits my other son. The only person he doesn’t touch his my fiancé an my daughter. I’ve have evaluations done an they say he’s fine nothing is wrong with him but he acts out puts holes in my walls disrespects me tears up my apartment while I’m at work with the baby sitter he tried to set my furniture an blankets on fire I found out hes burned 9 holes in his bed I’ve hit every lighter in my house. Months ago he was hearing voices an the voices told him to kill me his sister an brother an wat to do it with but then the voices stopped. He acts out when being disciplined he tried killing hisself not once but twice has strangled me while driving... tore up my apartment because I called the police they told me to take him to the emergency room he tried to make me wreck my car said he was gonna smash my phone slice my tires bust my windows out. He tried kicking my windows out while driving the emergency room didn’t keep him because he said he didn’t feel like hurting hisself or his family everyone is letting him get away with what he does An he’s gonna really end up hurting one of us or we’re going to end up dead can anyone please give me advice on what to do I have tried every route possible an no one will give me the help I need with him. I’m at my wits I’m stressed daily when it comes to him Ive developed a rash I get on my arm or neck an it only comes up when I get really stressed out. Another thing too their dad is paranoid skitzophranic an my son is considered adhd an we’ve tried multiplied meds an nothing is working somemoen anyone one please help me an give me advice it will be greatly appreciated!