How to get back with ex

So my boyfriend recently broke up with me, well it was more of a mutual agreement because we had a big fight but honestly I feel like we just need space from each other for a while and then come back to each other since we still love each other and care for one another.

How do I get him back ? Since we are still close friends and it wasn’t a messy split and have talked to each other since then about random things and I feel like it could be easier to get him back when it feels right to do so.

Our breakup was mainly on the fact that we had this huge fight and since then nothing really felt the same since we just tired each other out from it but never gave each other space. We’ve only really bantered with each other all the time but nothing that serious. And I guess we just stressed and exhausted each other out so much but I didn’t how to tell him I wanted to have space at that time.