White little boy cuddles a black dollđź’•

Theodora • TTC # 1 IVF 🙏 Unexplained infertility/endometriosis

I just wanted to share this because when you think about it in its entirety it’s the most touching picture you’ll ever see. My nephew is hugging a baby doll and that baby doll is a doll of color and he recognizes that it’s a child like him (or like he was when he was younger) and so he’s holding on to it and protecting the child. And he has absolutely no idea that so many people saying that in a few years would still be something that they would be against whether they hold it in them whether they express it. Maybe it’s not people themselves but whatever it is that has caused such appalling racism, you can see with your own eyes that color truly, truly, truly does not matter. That is because when you’re not influenced by anyone else’s prejudices or even know that there are any harmony can be reached. Just look at how people could be together. It’s just such a shame it will never happen unless people make an effort.