What just happened to me? 😔 not sure if I should hold on to hope?


Hey guys, I'm 28 and 5 weeks pregnant with my very first, shock-to-the-system pregnancy. Two days ago my partner and I were fooling around. An hour later I went to the toilet around 11pm and noticed pink when I wiped - i wasn't too worried as I know this can be common.

 At 6am I went to the toilet again- still pink but only when I wiped. At 7am I went again, no pink which was obviously a bit of a relief.

When my partner left for work at 8am I went to the toilet again, this time there was a blood clot. It wasn't huge, but just looked a bit different (But I'm not sure what different is these days! Haha). This was not accompanied with any blood - the clot was red but everything else was clean, so to speak.

So, 2 hours, a trip to the doctor and a referral to the midwife later (they can't do a scan as I'm still so early), they told me I shouldn't worry as I'm not getting cramps or bleeding but I didn't realise just how much a sesame seed-sized thing could worry me!

However, I was getting period-like cramps since the day I found out I was pregnant. They have gotten a lot milder after the clot passed and few and far between. As mentioned, it happened yesterday morning when I passed the clot and there has been no blood or pain at all since.

My partner said it could have been my body just getting rid of that clot but the baby could be fine. Everyone is telling me not to worry but as mentioned this is my first pregnancy and the week we found out (last week) was an absolute shock as I was told I would struggle with having children but within a month of living with my partner and being on the pill, I fell pregnant. I'm worried whether my stress affected things as around 5 hours prior to my first bleed we decided to go ahead with parenthood and it was a huge relief  (my partner and I have reasons why we may not have been suited to parenthood right now but I couldn't bring myself to not go through with it.)

Could this have been a miscarriage? No blood or cramping at 5 weeks but passing a clot? I've read that a woman's pregnancy symptoms will go pretty quickly after a miscarriage and I'm not sure if I'm being paranoid thinking my boobs don't hurt as much, my little cramps aren't as often, and feeling a bit empty.

I feel like right now, I need some positive energy, vibes, prays and success stories - but I also need to know what my chances are here as I have to wait 4 more days for my blood results to come back to see if my HCG levels are lower. I want to do another test but I also know that would still come up positive. I'm so confused and deflated.

Thank you all in advance.