Do you really want to know the answers?

What's your favourite colour?

Who first broke your heart?

What is you least favourite fruit?

How many girlfriends have you had?

What was your first dogs name?

What was your childhood fear?

Do you like liquorice?

What is your greatest passion?

Would you rather play table tennis or badminton?

What's the story of the name under the tattoo?

Why did you and Mel really break up?

Why do you drink so much?

Why do you insist on denying alcohol is to blame?

What are you most ashamed of?

What are you most proud of?

What makes you enjoy the day?

Do you need a partner, or a best friend?

Am I a convenient compliant companion?

Do you realise I have this many questions?

Do you realise that this is what keeps me awake at night?

What is your absolutely favourite thing about sex?

What do you least enjoy about sex?

Why don't you look at me when we have sex?

Can you look at me?

Can you flirt with me?

What were your thoughts about hair pulling?

Can you see your own cock anymore?

What am I supposed to say?

Should I bother saying or asking anything, ever?

Will you ever be able to hear these questions without experiencing rage?

Do you remember any of that night?

Does your head hurt still?

Do you remember the bump?

Do you care about how that made me feel?

Do you remember what I said?

Are you sure you want to hear what I have to tell you?

Can I trust you?

Can you cope?

Will you leave me, or stay?

Have you ever been abused?

Have you ever been in love?

What is your biggest regret?

Have you ever been betrayed?

Have you ever betrayed anyone?

Will you ever tell me what state your finances are it?

Why are you so cagey about your finances?

Are you afraid I'll interfere?

Did you read my 'diary'?

What did you think to it?

Will you suddenly one day bring up the contents?

How many people have you slept with?

Why do men say they don't remember when they really do?

Are men so afraid of their actions, thoughts, and feelings?

Are they so afraid of the reaction?

Are you so afraid to confess your real thoughts and memories?

Why do we lie?

Why are you so afraid of questions?

Can you see they're not borne of callousness, but curiosity?