Just a question

Just my backstory so you know what’s going on. My boyfriend and I stay in West Virginia, we are from Texas but are out of state for his work and I don’t have a job because I clean and take care of the animals. I do every single thing that has to do with that camper except he cooks sometimes, other than that all he does is play on his computer, eat, sleep, and work. I feed and take care of the animals and bathe them, clean everything, do laundry, dishes, dump the sewage, pick up dog poop outside, take out all the trash, and iron clothes. I get that I’m doing all of this in return for not working but is still have to do all this stuff even if I did have a job but Do you guys think it’s wrong for me to be upset that my boyfriend doesn’t give me any type of physical affection anymore? Like he doesn’t kiss me or hold my hand anymore. Basically I’m just a live in maid that doesn’t get anything in return besides a place to sleep and food and on very rare occasions we have sex. Am I wrong for being hurt that he doesn’t spend time with me at all and the only time he ever touches me is to have sex or put his arm around me for a couple of minutes at the most as we are laying down to fall asleep?