Could it be?


Hey ladies,

I was diagnosed with both Endometriosis and PCOS in February following a laparoscopy. Both are concentrated on my right side/ovary, and my left ovary looked pretty healthy on my last US.

My husband and I have been TTC since June. I started tracking my BBT and CM/CP and have also been taking OPKs because I’m not sure I even ovulate. I’ve been getting distinct LH surges, and while I know that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m ovulating it does give me some hope.

My cycles are normally 42-45 days, so I ovulate around day 27-28 and my luteal phase seems to consistently be around 15 days. However, this cycle I ovulated on day 17 according to the OPKs accompanied by left-sided O pain/EWCM! I’ve always had long cycles, so I’m hoping maybe this means my body kicked into gear and I ovulated from my left ovary! I also took some OPKs this week just to make sure I didn’t have another surge near my usual time and they were all negative (very faint lines).

I took a FRER and IC yesterday (8dpo) and both were BFN. I knew it was early so I didn’t think too much of it. This morning I decided to take a IC after a 4 hour hold and the top strip in this pic is what came up. Once I saw a faint line I took another test 2 mins later to see if it was a fluke, but I see something on there too! This pic was taken 5 mins after test #1 (so 3 mins after test #2)

What do you ladies think? Could this be a really early BFP, or just evap lines? I’m really really trying to not get my hopes up because I know my chances may be slim, but this is the first time ANYTHING has shown up on an IC for me, even after drying. They are usually STARK white.
