1 yr old sleeping in bouncer!?

My 1, almost 2 yrs old will never go to sleep, unless he sleeps on the bouncer. He needs the bouncer in order to fall asleep. Then i have to pick him up and put him in his crib. Sigh, i am such a bad mother. Idk what to do! Like i said, he will never go to sleep without the bouncer. It takes long for him to sleep wout the bouncer. Like his bedtime is 830-9pm. But if no bouncer, then he wont sleep til 12am! And he will never be able to take naps til 6pm. He started off when he was 7mths old, wanting me to boince on on the sofa all the time, in order to fall asleep, i fell pregnant, and no longer wanted to bounce him. He wouldnt sleep at all, so i decides to put him on the bouncer. Til this day, hes still relying on it to sleep. What am i do? Should i just let him not sleep til very late at night, so he can stop relying on the bouncer? Will he ever learn not to rely on it himself? Or i have to teach him?