I love him to death but some days...

I gotta work on being more grateful 😂

I asked him if he would come with me while I ran errands and he said he’d stay behind to clean the house

He did a bit and there’s still some things I gotta do but the house looks A LOT better

I went to finish the rest of the dishes and I looked at the dishes he had washed...

over half of them were still dirty 😂

Not like disgustingly dirty

But where he didn’t wash them all the way and they would definitely need to be rewashed

I almost said something, not to be rude, but to try and let him know that they were dirty and there’s ways to clean them to make sure all the food is off. then thought to myself “yah know, he did pretty good today”, and I really did not want to hurt his feelings

He doesn’t clean very often and there have been many many times he has stayed behind “to clean” and when I get back nothing is done

So today, I am grateful for the 6 less dishes I have to clean and the rest of the work he did ❤️