Husband doesn't want to listen to me

So I'm almost positive my marriage is falling apart. We've only been married a few months but we've been together about 6 years. For the past few weeks I've told him repeatedly that we need some time apart but he just tells me I'm not giving it (our marriage) a fair chance. The reason I want out of this relationship is because I'm tired of taking care of him. He works, but only 12 hours a week and he says he looking for another job but when I ask where he's applied to I just get a blank stare. I also only work part time but I work close to 40 hours a week on a good week, but I average about 30. We have a toddler and I pay the majority of the bills. He gives me about $350 a month and I have to figure everything else out on my own. I was also told to quit my job a few months ago by a doctor. I have some problems with my hip because of my son's birth and my job is a physical one so it isn't good for my hip/leg. I've applied to many desk jobs but haven't heard back from any. He promised me things were going to change and nothing has. I'm just so tired of supporting him and he has no desire to change, but when I tell him to leave he just says "I'm not going anywhere" And "you can't keep my child from me". I have no intention of keeping our son from him and I've never said i would so I don't know why he thinks I would. I'm at a loss ladies...