So last week i was kinda forced to invite her to an appointment by my bf cause she’s constantly complaining that she feels “left out” so she came with me to an appointment where i did a 1 hour glucose test.

Here are my reasons why I don’t like her at my appointments:

1.) i dont feel the need to be inviting her.

2.) she doesn’t know how to stay quiet and she will answer all the questions my doctor asks me.

3.) She’s very nosy.

4.) they tell me personal private things at my appointments!!!! That is MY time to ask any questions i have.

5.) she doesn’t let me talk . (Same as #2)

If you’re wondering where my BF is in all this. He is finishing off his college so he’s not close all the time.

My MIL is very entitled and thinks she should be at each of my appointments. I usually go alone to check ups but sometimes my mom goes with me whenever I’m with her . My MIL went with me to my very first ultrasound, My mom went with me to my second ultrasound, & my boyfriend came with me to third ultrasound bc he was around when it was scheduled.

Anyways, when my appointment was over i had to make my next appointment at the front desk, (WHICH SHE FOLLOWED ME TO AS IF I WAS A LITTLE KID! 🙄) she noticed that i had a 3D Ultrasound on Monday October 29th (tomorrow) and a check up on November 11th. Everything was fine that day, she didn’t ask me anything about the 3D ultrasound or the check up so I thought she didn’t really pay that much attention to it. Boy was I wrong ...

I guess she payed extra attention to it and now she knows when & what time my appointments are. Earlier today she called me and said “hi ___ I’m taking you to your appointment tomorrow okay I’ll pick you up” . I kindly told her “no thank you my father wants to come since he has never seen the baby through an ultrasound and he has been asking if he could go” . She said “ok thats fine” & hung up. My MIL has something against my mom for some reason and is always so rude and disrespects my mother in my face.

An hour ago my boyfriend called me and told me that his mother told him that she is going to show up at my doctor because she doesn’t believe that i am going with my father to my ultrasound.... 🙂 she thinks i am taking my mother instead. (she doesn’t like my mom for no reason) .

She is literally psycho.. I WOULDN’T HAVE KNOWN SHE WAS GONNA DO THAT IF IT WASN’T FOR MY BF TELLING ME!!! omg 😤 I’m really annoyed by this and honestly sooo fed up with my MIL. She’s very immature. Keep in mind she is like this 24/7 !!! I’d understand if this was her first grand baby or something but no ! This is her third and my parents first ! My mother is MY MOTHER I’m obviously more close with her and if she wonders why I don’t want her at my appointments or why I don’t “involve” her in my pregnancy as much she should just ask me ! Even though I’ve told her why before..

What should i do at this point?? She doesn’t care about anything i tell her . I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and see if i can reschedule my appointment because I honestly have no time for drama . She’s such a headache.

UPDATE!!! : she didn’t show up but the only reason she didn’t show up was bc my bf was in the ER... he’s doing great now, he just hurt his back.. i sent her pictures of the baby and she ignored me lol but whatever I’m stress free now 🙄