My dad lies

My dad is basically a child in a 55 year old man’s body. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he throws a fit and tells everyone that no one cares about him. My mom does literally everything for this man. Washes his clothes, cooks his meals, picks his clothes and towels up, throws wrappers away that he just leaves on the counter, table or wherever, makes sure his car gets an oil change and inspection, makes sure he has food to take to work, wakes him up when it’s time for him to get up for work, etc. And he had the AUDACITY to tell my mom (as she was serving him his dinner in bed, watching baseball mind you) that she doesn’t care about him. She said “well I just made your dinner for you.” And he said “take it back.” 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I honestly don’t know how she didn’t slap him.

Why is he acting this way? Because my mom and I said no to getting a dog right now. Why? Because our house is falling apart and we don’t have money to fix it. Because he just crashed his car and they both had to ask for money from their parents to fix it. On top of all that, my parents have A LOT of credit card debt. We cannot afford a dog. It’s impossible.

Anyway, then apparently my parents were talking last night and my dad told my mom that he asked me to go to Chick-fil-A once and I said no and that was me being mean...

First of all, I don’t recall this event ever happening.

Second of all, my dad’s only day off from work is SUNDAY when Chick-fil-A is fucking CLOSED.

Third, when my dad is off from work, all he does is hang with his friends or go work out.

Fourth, I love Chick-fil-A, but I am pretty picky about where I like to eat, whereas he likes to eat out multiple times a day. I only eat fast food as a treat on my period.

I’m just really PTFO that he’s going to my mom and lying. He’s always done shit like this too. He tries to drive wedges between my mom and I. Once he told me she stuck a butcher knife in our dining room table. This sounded pretty out of character for my mom, so I asked her and she said it wasn’t true.