My toddler found this in my husband’s nightstand..

Here it is, first thing this morning, I’m sitting on the toilet and my toddler decided to ransack his dad’s nightstand.

Well, as always, finish peeing and go out to try and pick up the mess. Instead I find a letter addressed TO HIS EX.

So here I am, half asleep, no coffee, haven’t even brushed my teeth yet seeing this. First of all why does he even have this?! We’ve been living together/married for 3 years! I half assed read it, then took a picture and sent it to my husband.

His response? “What is that?” What do you mean what is that? It’s YOUR handwriting, addressed to YOUR ex, it’s obviously YOUR little love note. I mostly laugh and ragged his ass about it.

Like I said earlier, half asleep when I found it, didn’t read it to its entirety. Later on, I was confiding in my best friend about it and reread it...

Accurate gif of me in that moment. Get to the end of the note and it says “I’m so thankful for you and peanut.” Wait a damn second, who the fuck is peanut? Because that’s what he’s called BOTH of our babies before they were born from the time we found out we were pregnant to just before birth.

So, I’m texting my best friend, “wait a damn minute, reread the last line” and she’s all “not to put things in your head but this is what it sounds like to me...” Lord Jesus this man has some serious explaining to do before my pregnant ass loses it on him. Of course he’s all like “what are you talking about, why are studying that note” BITCH I simply reread it and caught it. He’s acting like this over it

Eventually he claims that ole girl cheated on him and she tried saying she was pregnant to get him to stay with her. Whether that’s the case or not idk. But I know she doesn’t have a kid that would be his unless he cheated on me.

So, anyways moral of the story, guys are dumbasses and should really learn how to throw shit away, or not hide things from their wife because we find out everything anyways!

If you’ve read this far, thank you, I know this was long and drawn out.