Do you ever look at your partner and...

Do you ever look at your partner and feel so in love with everything about them? Just want to go over and kiss them and know that you’d do anything to make them happy..

Then other times look at them and be reminded of all the things about them that you dislike and want to just walk over to them and smack the shit out of em?

My partner plays WoW for hours on end when he isn’t studying. He will take breaks to eat, shower, play a few minutes with our 10 month old but then back to WoW. It’s starting to become a turn off for me.

I spend my day from 6 am to 8 pm on my feet doing for the little humans, errands, chauffeur, launderer, entertainer, housekeeper, chef, and a sex goddess who gives it up every single night even if I’m fucking tired. If I mention any of this he gets mad. I’m not complaining about what I do bc I’m doing what I love which is caring for my family. I’m just finding his gaming to be a huge turn off. .