
So for starters I have white skin my heritage is aboriginal mix with British but if you see me walking I look like as white as a ginger. I was chatting with a couple friends of mine who are not one moved here from the Middle East and one has an African heritage. Now I asked them if they have very felt like they were treated differently because of the colour of their skin. (The topic came up because I was giving away a lipstick colour I couldn’t pull off but she could and it’s been in the USA news a lot) (I’m not from the states)and the answer was no (except for the fact that I never remember to share my sunscreen with them lol 😂 ) Now maybe we just live in a little bubble but we than went on to discuss how we just don’t understand where it’s all coming from? We have never looked and someone badly due to their skin, why does it matter, unless you have some bad ass tattoo that makes me wonder what it is 🤔, why would anyone treat you differently. We than said how we were all raised that you be nice to everyone no matter how they looked! Plus in school we learnt a lot about the negatives that can come from a racist though. (Residential schools, nazis, slavery) I just don’t understand how there are still places in the world where there are people who allow this kind of talk? If you ever made a comment against another race here you would get told of by everyone who heard you.

Either way I just wanted to let out my little rant. Hopefully soon this will be a discussion of the past.

Edit I live in Ottawa