Wtf I’m pissed


I love him but damn. So I’ve not cared for long enough. And I need to vent so here it is. My bf who haven’t gotten to see for like 2 weeks now because he’s decided to choose his friends everyday. Which is fine like I really don’t care that you wanna hang with your friends that’s great. But when I’ve asked and attempted to make plans with you before you hang with them all weekend and all day and you say “well I might hang with them later so” I’m fucking annoyed with that shit. Like really. And then when you say I can’t hang and then I’m like alright it’s fine. He says he feels bad. Mmmm not the fuck you don’t. If you felt bad you’d actually attempt to make plans with just me for one fucking day. Am I asking for a lot? Am I wrong? And then I messaged him was like I miss you so much. To which he replied: “ewww y”. Like BITCH. Sooo what you’re saying is you don’t miss me. You don’t give a fuck that I miss you. And you don’t feel bad. Just fucking say that my face grow some balls and say it to my face. And also a few days ago I said I needed to be with him. (Because once again, haven’t seen him in awhile). To which he replied: “we’re always together, I think about you all the time” umm ok well those are two completely different things and you just thinking about me has no benefit to me. So I just put a heart gif and he then replied: “I’m sorry I’m a terrible bf. I need to fill your heart better.” And I’m like. Bitchhhhhh. Whatever. And oh look. He’s yet to prove that he’s “filling my heart”. And what really bugs me about this whole things is when he was going through shit a few months ago, none of these “friends” gave a fuck about him. It was screwed up. I was there for him everyday I made sure he was ok and I dealt with all that emotional stuff when I was also going through some shit. Now they all wanna hang and do shit now that he’s good and cool. I’m just like wow. Like what if I needed you. If I was going through something. Would you be there for me like I was you? Would you put me before yourself just like I did you? I don’t think so. I’m so fucking annoyed. I don’t know what to do except I left him on fucking read because fuck that shit dude. I don’t need it right now. I’m sick of just being there when either you can benefit or you need me because you have no one. Am I wrong or crazy for feeling this way? Please give me any advice you can.