Rant about Bf’s herpes

Okay so my boyfriend of two years has herpes on his lip. Every chance he gets he lets it known. I’ve asked him why he always says he has herpes all the time and he said because it sounds funny. Today, he was playing on his xbox with a few friends and randomly told them he had herpes. So again I asked him why he wants everyone to know and why he acts like he’s proud of it and he said again it sounds funny and that they don’t know if he’s being serious or joking, but later on he said that they already knew he had herpes so that statement made no sense. Then he said that they don’t know it’s on his lip so it’s like he wants them to think it’s on his genitals. Idk if he just thinks they’ll think he’s cool or something? It just honestly irritates me that he acts proud of it and wants people to know and that he thinks it makes him sound cool. Am I wrong to be irritated by this?