Does it anger anyone else??


I'm a naturally thin woman. I eat a lot and healthy, but people still assume I starve myself.

Right now I'm pregnant so boy are people on me!!

I keep hearing I need to eat a whole lot more because I'm eating for 2. Being told to over indulge. Not to worry.

This isn't my first child, and with my first I had the same feedback.

However I'm very strict and will not over eat or over indulge.

I've read that you only need to consume an additional 300 calories a day for a healthy pregnancy and my nutritionist has told me I'm her favourite pregnant lady because I already adhere to a positive, healthy diet.

Well people still harp on my eating habbits and quite frankly get flustered at the fact I've not gained much and that I'm not showing!

No health care professional is bothered by this.

Does anyone else deal with this?? Does it bother you, too??

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