Baby awake for long time periods!

Kristin • First time mom to 💙Conor Declan 11/12/18💙

I was induced with our son at 37 weeks. He is currently 6 weeks old, 3 weeks old from due date. His sleep was horrible, about 8hrs a day for quite a while. However, he now sleeps around 12-13hrs every 24 hour period.

Problem is, he’s up 6-8 hours at a time every day! During this time he’s fussy and crying- the only way he won’t cry is if he’s at my breast. Hubby and I are unable to lull him to sleep during this chunk of time. He’s tired, I know he is because he yawns. He eventually crashes/stops fighting falling asleep.

Anyone else go/going through this? Is this normal? I don’t know what to do. TIA!