Immature mother in law

Ok so about a month ago my husband and I split up due to him being very toxic towards me and disrespecting me and I finally had enough and left.. We ended up not divorcing and working things out, his mother tried to start a bunch of drama when we first got back together, basically trying to find every little thing to get him to not be with me which is down right NOT okay in my book but whatever I wasn't really too worried about her and was more worried about my relationship but now she has me blocked on Facebook and everything else but is so nice to my face... I've asked my husband to just ask her why she feels the need to act so immature but he refuses ... I'm honestly sick of his family mistreating me and acting like I'm always the bad person and he never does anything wrong!!! My parents or anyone in my family would NEVER treat him like that, I just don't understand!!😡