Do I have OCD?


I’m not sure if this is actually ODC, something else or just me but I wanted to know what it is or if anyone has anything like this.

Basically, when I’m doing almost everything (although it mainly happens when I read or think about writing a story, I’m a ‘writer’) I have to do these things like count in my head or breath in out short breaths in counts before reading a sentence or thinking about a certain scenario. If something happens that I didn’t expect or I get distracted or I just think that it didn’t feel right, I have to do the whole thing again. (The counting generally goes something like: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1....2...3)

I one hand touches something or I scratch it then I have to do the same thing on the other. It’s really annoying when someone bumps in to me or puts a cold water bottle on my arm. With the bumping in thing I just end up hitting my arm with my other hand and with the water bottle thing, since it’s my friends doing it to be annoying I ask them to do it on the other arm saying that I’m hit or something like that.

Also, the thing I’m the most worried about, is with he scratching and stuff, like not all the time but sometimes I’ll have to hurt my other arm (Not seriously though) just enough to feel some pain but even then it still feels annoying. Because of the counting thing I’ve almost ‘drowned’ a few times because I have to count and breath out in those counts before I come up for air.

I also need to check things a few times on occasion.

I’m not an organised person but sometimes I need to sort out tabs on my laptop before I can do anything and if I don’t I find it hard to breathe. Also if I’m using 2 devices I have to have it set out on a desk and yesterday I was trying to find where I wrote down the name of a character I created but I couldn’t find it and remember it so I spent hours online looking at names before I found it. It was like 1 in the morning but I couldn’t sleep without finding it and that shortness of breathe happened again.

I’m pretty picky with germs and stuff like that that most of my friends don’t care about.

I don’t always need to have everything organised, like I rarely clean my room but if I do I have to do everything including wiping down my desk and bedside table with spray and everything instead of just putting away clothes and stuff.

So is this the kind of stuff that happens to someone with OCD or is it something else?