Am I under reacting?

Briana • 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🐶⭐️💕baby #4 on the way!

So I have been married for a year and I have two kids with my ex husband, my daughter is 8 and my son is almost 10. My husband got me a Mountain Dew and he was putting some into a glass for himself as I shouldn’t be drinking a full one to myself(I’m pregnant). My daughter looks at him as he’s pouring it and says “don’t take all of it” he then gets snarky and says he isn’t taking all of it and he’s helping me because I can’t drink the whole thing and that she’s not in charge of him, ect.

I told him he was over reacting and he said “she not my parents I don’t need her telling me what to do” and I said he’s the parent and just because she did something he doesn’t like doesn’t mean he can act like that and he’s the adult so he needs to treat her like a parent does. He stormed off and went downstairs to eat.. I’m very defensive of my kids as they’ve been abused by their biological father and step mom. I also want to support my husband when he feels belittled but I feel like this is something he blew way up and has in the past. Kids say things sometimes we don’t like, and if he keeps treating her that way I feel like she will start to hate him.