Touch starved?

I’m not sure if I am touch starved or if it’s something else. Due to the fact that I am getting touch I don’t think it’s that but I’m not to sure.

I’ve been craving physical affection more than I usually do recently (as in the last few months) I can’t help but look at one of my friends and want to lean on them or ask them to play with my hair or just cuddle, obviously I don’t don’t but I want to. Today during school assembly I had to stop myself from leaning onto my friend next to me.

It’s gotten to the point when I just think about it so much that it stops me from focusing in class.

I get hugs from my parents but it never really helps to much and one of my friends hugs me a lot but it’s pretty brief. I want to sit down and snuggle up to them for hours. I also hug pillows and try to wear hoodies when it’s not to hot and that helps slightly.

Anyone know what’s up with me, it could just be puberty or something IDK, but suggestions on how to help it would be good too.
