8 month old wont sleep in crib


My 8 month old daughter recently learned how to pull herself to a standing position, especially in the crib. Now everytime I put her down for a nap or for bedtime, she immediately opens her eyes, rolls over and climbs the crib until she's standing up and staring at me. I will rock her after her bedtime bottle and she will be completely asleep, like no movement wakes her. It's like as soon as she feels the crib mattress versus me she just wakes up and stands within seconds of me putting her down. I don't know what to do. We cosleep so, her crib is in our room across from our bed, we don't have the space atm for her own room. She just will not cut it out for bed time. The only way I have gotten her to sleep the past 2 nights so I could sleep as well is by bringing her into our bed and bed sharing. I don't mind bed sharing, but I'd prefer her to sleep in her crib. Any suggestions?

Also like to note that shes been used to sleeping in the complete dark since 5 months, so no lights are stimulating her.