
Tashia • I’m a 30 year old woman who is married to an amazing man and a mom of a 9 year old. Loving life ❤️❤️

My husband decides he isnt happy being married to me because he said he wanted to be single. And he tells me that everyone pushed us to get married when I was 4 or 5 months pregnant with our son. He wanted to get married he said oh we can get married and do right by our family but now he jus wants to get a divorce. And I don't want that. He jus doesn't want to be with me. I cook, clean, taking care of our son while he works and he still wants a divorce? I just give up on everything. I never thought this would happen. Its jus to hurtful now. Our son is fixing to be 5 years old in August and I dont want to put him through any of this. I want the marriage to last but idk anymore.

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Posted at
Let him go if he wants to. You don't want to stay married to him if he doesn't want to.


Posted at
Try marriage counseling


Tashia • Mar 1, 2019
I wish I can get him to go. I'm jus not ready to let go. We have been together in June for 6 years and been married for 5 years June 21st


Posted at
Thanks to all. I'm jus ready to say bye if things work out they'll work out if not then I well. I'm tired of weeping and crying over things. Its time for me to woman up and accept it. Thank you to all who is trying to help. But I'll try and get him to marriage counsling and if he doesn't want to go then I cant make him.


Posted at
You can’t force someone to stay in a marriage that they aren’t happy in. But from your reply to another comment on here:I can safely say that this wasn’t what he wanted from the get-go, and he’s likely been unhappy for a while now.The fact that he said those things to you, means that he’s telling you his true feelings. Respect them, respect yourself, and both take the necessary path to your own happiness.Just because you cook, clean, and look after your child doesn’t mean that the marriage is right, or will last.


Tashia • Mar 1, 2019
I understand that. I didn't say he was going to the counseling I said I'm going to try and I'm not keep him in our marriage. I didnt say I was taking him to counseling I said I would try. And he is just now telling me this.


Posted at
Girl you deserve a REAL KINGIn the Cinderella life you live you deserve the man at the door with the glass slipper 💕💕💕💕
Girl you deserve a REAL KINGIn the Cinderella life you live you deserve the man at the door with the glass slipper 💕💕💕💕


Posted at
Just let him go. You'll find better!


Posted at
I would try marriage counseling. Plus maybe taking a trip not to far but away. Keep the lines of communication open and ask him way he is so unhappy?


Ab • Mar 1, 2019
From that comment alone, this marriage was doomed from the start. Let him go, find someone who isn’t an asshole.


Tashia • Mar 1, 2019
I have asked him why he is unhappy and he said he didnt want to be married and be in a relationship. He was gonna leave me the day I found out I was pregnant. He said I was suppose to be jus a one night stand. But I can try to get him to go to marriage counseling.


Posted at
You can’t force a relationship with somebody who doesn’t want to be with you. I’d rather him tell me than just go cheat on me because that’s betrayal but he’s being honest with you which is fair. How much the child is effected depends on how the adults in the situation handle everything too. It’ll be a change for him but if it’s done well then I don’t think it’ll do too much damage


Tashia • Mar 1, 2019
Maybe a time away from each other would be best but it is going to be hard but I can try and not worry bout it so much


Posted at
Have you guys thought about doing marriage counseling?? I'm so sorry your having to go through this sending prayers for you and your husband..


Tashia • Mar 1, 2019
No havnt thought about that. I dont think he wants to go to marriage counsling he just doesn't want to be with anybody at this point.